Is there any possibility of asking Egypt, possibly in conjunction with UN forces/representatives to take over administration of Gaza and the rest of disputed Palestine?

I am aware of the history between Israel and Egypt, but it cannot be in Egypt’s interest to have this conflict on its borders and have so many fellow Muslims suffering. Israel is also suffering, and with the recent thaw in its relations with Saudi Arabia, the regional power, there may even be some financial assistance.

This measure, leading eventually to a self-governing Palestine, could remove any incentive for further attacks on Israel, in spite of past animosity, and show Palestinians that there is another course to self-determination besides Hamas and Hezbollah.

Can Egypt be trusted to take on this role?

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All these young soldiers cut down - so young, their whole lives ahead of them, jobs, family, a benefit to their country - very cruel and sad.

I hate to say it, but those nasty invaders HAVE to be eradicated so the fight needs continue - just a great shame to see such good going with the bad guys. Respectfully SF

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