Why don't you admit your extreme bias against BiBi Netanyahu and against Donald Trump , since you are a card carrying OBama-biden democrat ! Why don't you ever talk about Biden's failed foreign policy of appeasement towards Iran . If Biden didn't reverse Trump"s sanctions on IRAN , there would not have been October 7th and Israel would not be running out of ammunition

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I absolutely believe that Bibi should resign. He has been PM for too long. I believe everyone who was in government on October 7th, should resign. I also think Gantz should leave politics as someone who was DM in the years leading up to Oct 7th; they should all go. As to your comment on my views on American politics, over the years, I have voted more times for Democrats, but I believe Biden should have retired, and if it was almost anyone else but Trump, I would probably vote for them, but Trump is a very dangerous person, who is uncontrolled not to mention an isolationist who seems to like dictators. As to Iran, the biggest self-goal in the history of diplomacy was probably the Trump/Netanyahu decision to leave the Iran deal. The major problem with the agreement was the sunset clause, so we self sunset without plan B.

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The collapse of the center in France - except to decide between the Islamist left or the far right - was hilariously, but scarily presaged by Michel Houellebecq in his 2015 novel “Soumission”.


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Thank you so much !

What's happening nowadays in French and other European countries' politics is a tendency to extreme right wing while the left wing seems lost in it's internal differences. They both (ab)use the "conflict" for personal interest: getting votes. Up untill now the elections ended with centrists, votes often seemed motivated by preventing the RN Le Penn from winning.

Houellebecq is a great writer.

The French version of the link gives a good image of the events before and after the book's publication in France (the Charlie Hebdo's massacre), the leading mindsets and the impact on Houellebecq's personal life.

Remember 1988, The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie...

What happens in the world today seems quite apocalyptic, imho.

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No continuum makes any sense if totalitarian regimes are on both ends: Nazis were not right wing, they were left wing. Both Nazis and Communists were totalitarian: it was bitter sibling rivalry.

The opposite of totalitarianism is libertarianism...and local governments having more power than the national government.

(One could argue that the farthest right is anarchy, although anarchists are often leftist trying to destroy all order so as to bring about totalitarianism out of the ashes.)

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IMHO I wish we could put aside the left and right boxes... Whichever sides people are on - even the idiot pro Palestinian activists - I hope that their motivation is a common goal : stop wars.

Unfortunately most people are busy expressing opinions and arguing in stead of starting dialogues about a common goal: peace and the end of suffering for mankind.

Truth has become rather a personal opinion in stead of seriously observing facts.

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I knew that Isreal had destroyed the plant, but so much over the years has been said to be Israeli actions, it is often hard to know if they truly were involved in something or just a convenient boogeyman for other people's actions in a complex region of rivals and enemies.

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Thank you Marc, I highly appreciate your interview on i24news last night.

As a French civilian - born in the Netherlands, which country I no longer want to be related to, I did not vote in the European elections.

"Historically, Jews have fared better with centrist parties, as extremes on both the left and right have often harbored antisemitic tendencies. Traditionally, right-wing parties and individuals have been more overtly antisemitic than those on the left. For instance, the Nazis were right-wing, the KKK is considered right-wing, and Marie Le Pen’s father’s party was openly antisemitic. Although Le Pen herself has denied being antisemitic and her party has shown strong support for Israel, this issue has become more pressing as left-wing parties increasingly criticize Israel, sometimes veering into outright antisemitism."

The RN under Marine le Penn is abusing her "support" to Israel to get votes. The left has united while supporting the "Palestinian cause"

Nobody seems to care about the day after, nor the true causes of the hate ideology and the relentless attacks on Israël and it's efforts to protect the nation.

It's beyond comprehension.

I suppose I'll vote for Macron, the least extremist to prevent the RN fascist party to get a hold on France and Europe. The "united left" LFI with Mélenchon in his ego trip supporting Hamas is disillusional.

Profoundly confused in Europa I stand with Israël. I'm deeply saddened by bias influencing people supporting Hamas while not having any idea of what they're doing.

Thank you for your updates and history lessons 🙏🏽

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