Marc, great news digest and videos. Please, address the NYTimes article on the Hamas Money Machine. So devastating to learn about this. How do we deal with it?

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Thank you again, Marc for your news digest and the videos. BTW, did you catch the piece in the NYTimes, titled: Israel Found the Hamas Money Machine Years Ago. Nobody Turned It Off.

Netanyahu has to go ... for so many reasons.

And Hamas, too.

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I totally agree. Great videos and news digest. Would love to hear your reaction to the

NYTimes article and how to best deal with this serious problem.


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Not sure if you’re asking me or @marc. If me, I humbly submit that a solution is way above my pay grade, but a few ideas:

1. Promote the hell out of this news. THIS story should have been top of NPR, BBC, CBC and all other major media outlets far more than. Palestinians stripped to their underwear to check for bombs (or, as NPR suggested per Hamas, “to humiliate” them. What’s happened to my otherwise news crush, Scott Simon?? (I’ve given up on Aisha Roscoe and their producers and just about all the other millennials to be able to look more deeply into things.

Media attention needs to shift to the how they amassed this money and how it was they did not use it to empower Palestinians with education, better infrastructure, better medical and why other countries did not demand that of Hamas for them. They need to be revealed for the contempt they have of the people on whose behalf they claim their sadistic, misogynistic and criminal actions. .

2. Sanctions.

3. Netanyahu has to go ... and why wasn’t it leaked once Mossad knew Netanyahu would do nothing?

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