I aknowlege my conflicted feelings. I loathe (always have) Netanyahu. I do not understand or agree with those in our facility who are extremists (religious or political). But I am torn that making a deal with a nihilistic devil is still … making a deal with a devil. Those who lead the torture, rape and murder of our relatives were already arrested. I am also finding myself unable to “blame” Netanyahu for the savagery of Jihadists who regard the Theory of Chaos with a spiritual reverence.

Indeed, those tunnels have been around for a long time. Indeed, our homeland has been bombed for a long time. I did come across a WaPo article about the discovery of tunnels under mosques and other buildings with sophisticated weaponry. At the time, Netanyahu was in power - and did nothing about the tunnels then.

(BTW, I was trying to track down the WaPo article/interview you referenced in your previous post but was unable to find it. Please share date?)

I wonder if my heart is hardening when I think that those tunnels should be blasted to bits (once we have all our family members retrieved, hopefully alive, though I remain doubtful that jihadist savages have it in them to be emotionally or politically reliable) - and never again be permitted to exist.

Blaming Netanyahu for these murders feels … absurd. (Though I appreciate the nuance in your article that has opened me up a bit to a different take. But all blame should be focussed on the people who actually committed them “deal” or no deal. Frankly, he and they have painted him between a rock and a hard place. And that is their intention. In my estimation, the demand should be on the Arab and Muslim world to reign in their people as we should be reigning in our people (extremists, illegal and any murderous Settlers). They should, like we should, be training their people toward peace building (and not trading criminal for innocent human lives who are then executed as some kind of “legitimized” statement with a reward of a deal, after the fact).

I don’t know. I don’t know.

But I mourn the murders, I mourn for their immediate loved ones. And I fear it will never end, only be “paused”.

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There are no easy answers, and peace will not happen any time soon regardless what happens

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Can you tell me the date of the Washington Post article your referenced in your earlier post? Thanks.

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Are you talking about the haniya interview?

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Thankyou ,blessings of joy and protection

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