
That may be true but we allowed ourselves to be dependent on the US. And our economy is very much dependent on us being part of the world

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The war is only existential from a psychological perspective. Neither Hamas nor Hezbollah can destroy us. Iran that could be a different matter

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The strenth of Menachem Begin

or Golda Meir is what is needed now. Neither would have agreed to a penny of aid entering Gaza until Every hostage was immediately released. Instead they are eternal

Pawns in an endless hell. To hell

With world opinion that is never in our favor. We look like weak fools at the mercy of barbarians.

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Golda Meir 🙏🏽❤️

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People go by actions, not words: continuance of the de facto draft exemption for the Ultra-Orthodox will be taken that Israel is not really facing a war for its very existence. (BTW, constant demonstrations also does not suggest that the war is actually, literally existential.)

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The demonstrations make Israel look weak. They tear themselves from inside and people from outside look at them and think they are easy to destroy. Meanwhile the youth are giving their whole lives for a country that doesn’t seem to respect them. Obviously the hostages are more valuable! Why not give murderers freedom to rescue them so that those same murderers can turnaround and kill more soldiers! Meanwhile, the ultra orthodox youth can hide with their heads in a book which has no value! They should be studying Torah not Talmud, get off their seats and start fighting for their country’s life like Joshua’s people did!

Ok rant over.

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Interesting rant but at least 65% of the country wants new elections and does not want our failed leader to continue leading- so that is a problem

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Having elections in the middle of a war is not the best idea I can think of. But, I’m not Israeli. I support Israel with all my heart for what that’s worth, but it’s a bit like reading Josephus all over again, you know, watching the demonstrations, the left against the right, the schism in the Israeli society 2,000 yrs ago gave Jerusalem and its people as slaves to Rome. I fear the same thing happening again. But I’m an outsider and I only have the international news to watch

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