Dear Marc Schulman

I have considered many times to discontinue my subscription to your new-mail because I don’t share many of you views. But I couldn’t make myself do it - your emails are too interesting and with regard to the actual news your reports are more accurate than what I read elsewhere. I especially like the Historical bit of your mails. Because you said that you participate in the demonstrations against the government and you are for new elections I would like to know from you the following: - what kind of political candidate would you endorse? Is there such a candidate among the politicians in Israel?

With regard to the lack of a plan for ‘the day after’ - what would you suggest such a plan look like? Please provide feasible suggestions (no wishful thinking!).

I would really appreciate your answers to my questions



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Hi M,

Hard questions. My votes are usually strategic based on what would best get Netanyhu and his friends out of office. I am against settling the West Bank but I am also against a Palestine state right now. It is the only possible eventual solution, but I do not believe the Palestines now are ready to make the compromises to make that possible. I want Hamas gone, because going all the way back to 1995 they have done all they can to block a two state solution, on the other hand I am not sure they can be removed from Gaza. I would take the US Saudi plan immediately as a plan for the moment, it would extricate us from Gaza give us what Hamas was trying to block and alliance with Saudi Arabia and maybe put is on a very slow glide towards a political solution- although I am not sure its possible, certainly not in my lifetime

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