Thank you Marc. It's very confusing how the media publishes contradictory news. Observing these ambiguous publications does not inspire credibility. Readers often read and interprete what they identify with most... And a lot of international news reporters (AP & Reuters for example) seem everything but impartial. It's very confusing. Basic of Evil is : divide & rule.

Nasralla in an interview with a Lebanese TV channel stated that war is a tool to increase Hezbollah's power in Lebanon. The interviewer seemed profoundly shocked.

My close Israeli friends are evacuated/displaced and have left Haaretz.

As for the hostages, dispersed between Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups, they're in hell on earth. How the so called democratic western world does not condemn Hamas as a terrorist organisation goes beyond comprehension.

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Why do remaining Hamas terrorists keep fighting when it's almost over for them?

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