Thank you Marc. Allow me this link to an interview of a man, Dor Shachar who, as a child, grew up in Gaza in the '80's and refused to be brainwashed by both his parents and UNWRA schools.


He sais there are no innocents in Gaza, the ones who refuse Hamas ideology are tortured and killed.

The interview takes place in America. He warns that America's next. Because of these 4 generations raised in hatred and to commit murder to both Israël and America. To all infidels. It's hard to grasp but it's a fact.

I24 french channel invited him for a short interview 3 weeks ago, but it was very limited due to technical translation problems.

It's an eye opener for today's situation and gives insight in Palestinian minds. So sad these kids life's have been destroyed by jihad propaganda making it almost impossible to find a peaceful solution.

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Love the history of how the modern State of Israel was created!

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